Body Art Regulation Program

The Logan County Department of Public Health (LCDPH) is authorized to regulate body art facility sanitation for compliance under the Logan County Body Art Ordinance. In addition, the department regulates these establishments through a grant agreement with the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to conduct compliance activities under the Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act (410 ILCS 54) and Body Art Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 797). 

Opening a Business

Anyone interested in opening a body art/tattoo business in Logan County must first register with the IDPH Division of Food, Drugs and Dairies by contacting their office at 217-785-2439 or by e-mail at dph.bodyart@illinois.govA new establishment shall only open in Logan County after an initial opening inspection has been conducted by the LCDPH and written approval to operate has been granted. 

Change of Ownership

If a body art establishment changes ownership, it is important that the IDPH Division of Food, Drugs and Dairies has been notified prior to the change of ownership by contacting their office at 217-785-2439 or by e-mail at  IDPH will need to process the application/registration of the new owner and notify the LCDPH of the intent of ownership change.  The new owner must also contact the LCDPH to schedule a preoperational inspection. A body art facility is prohibited from operating under new ownership in Logan County until a preoperational inspection has been conducted and written permission is granted by the LCDPH.

Annual Establishment & Operator Permits

Section 2 of the Logan County Body Ordinance requires that a body art establishment operator, each year, submits a completed Body Art Establishment Annual Permit Application and pays a fee of $150.00 to the LCDPH. In addition, Section 3 of the Ordinance requires employees performing body art to annually submit a Body Art Operator Permit Application and pay a fee of $35.00 to LCDPH to obtain an annual operator permit. For further details, you can refer to the Logan County Body Art Ordinance.

Report a Complaint

If you have a complaint regarding a body art establishment or know of any person or facility providing body art services without an Illinois Certificate of Registration and Logan County permit, please report this to the LCDPH Division of Environmental Health at 217-735-2317. 

Contact Us

If you have questions or would like additional information with regard to Illinois and Logan County body art regulations, contact LCDPH Division of Environmental health at 217-735-2317.

Illinois & Logan County Regulations

Tattoo and Body Piercing Establishment Registration Act (410 ILCS 54)

Body Art Code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 797)

Logan County Body Art Ordinance



Body Art Establishment Annual Permit Application

Body Art Operator Permit Application (Annual)

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